Section 1 - General Server Rules
1.0 - Use Common Sense
1.1 - Toxic Behaivor is not permitted to a degree, if you're roleplaying as an asshole that's ok, but do not be so toxic to the point when it is not fun anymore for both parties on the server. It is expected of you as community members and staff to be respectful to everyone.
1.2 - Rules are made to be followed and abusing loopholes in the rules will result in punishment.
1.3 - Roleplay that violates Twitch ToS and Rules of Conduct is strictly prohibited.
1.4 - Leaking direct messages from staff members will result in a permanent ban.
1.5 - Inciting drama or fueling drama within the community to create a hostile environment is not tolerated and will result in punishment.
1.6 - Eating/Drinking/Vaping on the microphone is not allowed.
1.7 - You may not exploit, cheat, abuse, dupe, or use anything that can be seen as giving you an unfair advantage. This can result in a permanent ban and does include programs such as third-party crosshairs, lag switching, and developing errors.
1.8 - You may not take staff matters or matters of rule breaks into your own hands. Staff are the only ones to handle this and make appropriate judgments. As a regular player you should create a ticket or go to waiting for support after the fact.
1.9 - "Streamer Language" is enforced as this is a streamer-friendly community. That means no derogatory, racist, sexist, or other offensive terminology.
1.10 - Powergaming is strictly prohibited. Powergaming is known as using game mechanics or roleplaying mechainics that do not exist. Absusing/creating exploits for profit or personal gain.
Section 2 - Green-Zone Rules
2.1 - Green zones are crime-free to the degree you can in act violent RP in a green zone as long as it has a storyline behind it, and this does not include shooting someone in a green zone because they called your mom fat. But without Storyline RP this means no looting, taking hostage, killing, etc other players inside these zones. If you run into a green zone in an active scene you are not safe as they can still rob or kill you.
2.2 - If an rp scenario begins outside of a green zone and is brought into it, you may continue the RP. However, it must be realistic, there wouldn't be a gang war inside a green zone.
2.3 - There is no feasible way to walk yourself through these areas in real life for many locations. There would be too many cameras, personnel, locked areas, etc. Keep in mind that use of exploits/emotes to escape detention will result in a ban!
2.4 - The green zone locations are: Spawns to include inside apartments, ALL hospitals, the Inside of the Courthouse, and Givernment/Military Facilities.
Section 3 - Roleplay Rules
3.1 - Your first action in any disagreement while in the game should always be to attempt to roleplay it out. If that doesn't work and you continue to have a problem with another player, handle it privately, rather than having an open argument on the radio/in game chat or in a public forum like Discord. If the player has broken a rule, open a ticket.
3.2 - Roleplaying is the main point of the server. Always remain in character. Out of character situations such as support, the server in general, discord, and other unrealistic events cannot be brought up in-game.
3.3 - You must have a valid roleplay reason to interact with police for example a traffic stop or committing a crime. If the police attempt to pull you over you must pull over unless you have just recently committed a crime or know you are wanted. If you have illegal items in the car you must stop and you must not flee unless Police indicate they're aware you have illegal items. Following police or baiting poolice into situations is not allowed. This includes going to DOC without a reason and if you go to DOC during a DOC lockdown you can be punished.
3.4 - If you are being stopped for an offense that would not result in an arrest then you may not evade or initiate on police. You must comply with the traffic stop and try to roleplay your way out of the ticket to the best ability.
3.5 - Soundboards can be used for roleplay but can not interrupt a scenario.
3.6 - Logging off to avoid roleplay is known as combat logging. This includes logging off while dead, logging off in hand-cuffs, and logging off during situations that is not allowed and you will be heavily punished. When logging off the server make sure you're hidden from sight to not ruin immersion.
3.7 - Metagaming is not allowed, you cannot know or act on any information that you character hasn't directly learned through roleplay. Any information obtained from a third party/not in the game is not able to be used in roleplay. This includes not using discord while in-game and not stream sniping streamers.
3.8 - You may not return to the same situations you already died in regardless of the time or location.
3.9 - Using job vehicles for anything but the intended job is FailRP and not permitted.
3.10 - You may not pull someone out of a moving vehicle. You also may no restrain or escort someone while they are further away than arm's length.
3.11 - You cannot camp outside safe zones waiting for someone to leave to follow/rob.kill them.
3.13 - You may not interfere with other groups' roleplay by inition. An example is initiating on cops as third part during a traffic stop.
3.14 - You may not ram people's cars when parked or driving, dirving peoples cars into water is not realistic.
3.15 - You may not harm the negotiator during negotiations in any form. When negotiations have started no more hostages can be taken.
3.16 - Purposely attempting to ruin someone's roleplay situations to try and be funny, edgy, or for any other reason is not tolerated and may be classed as FailRP
3.17 - Jumping out of moving vehicles/helicopters,planes at unrealistic height & speed will be classed as FailRP
3.18 - You or your group may not commit any deliberate hostile actions against the same person more than once every 60 minutes. You or your group must not commit any deliberate hostile actions against the same group more than once every 30 minutes.
3.19 - There should be a roleplay reason behind any hostile roleplay. More constant hostile roleplays will require a stronger reason. You cannot constantly commit hostile roleplay in the same location or against the same person without a good reason.
3.20 - After a robbery/crime is complete, you MUST attempt to evade. If there is no possible way to evade such as police blocking all entrances then you can either attempt to negotiate your way out OR engage on officers creating a path to evade. When committing crime, your main goal is to evade the police and only kill if necessary. You may not sit around the robbery and wait for police to shoot them.
3.21 - You may not preven medics from doing their job. If a medic is combat reviving and they have been given a warning about it and continue to combat revive then they may be given warning shots then shot if they continue to combat revive.
3.22 - DOJ is to be considered "Strict RP" while court is in session, soon to start, or just finished. This means that you must have a GREAT RP reason to initiate or interfere with it.
3.23 - You cannot attempt to pit a vehicle that is significately larger than your own vehicle. It will be counted as FailRP.
3.24 - If negotiations take place and are called off, initiation is required. All parties must wait 10 seconds before shooting.
3.25 - Driving your vehicles in an unrealistic manner (e.g. Driving a sedan or sports car off road or driving at crazy speeds abusing the fact you most likely won't die when you crash) is FailRP.
3.26 - You cannot stand around a dead body just so they can't get help as that would be FailRP.
Section 4 - Initiation Rules
4.1 - You may not initiate on someone without a valid roleplay reason. This includes joining random gun fights just for the kills.
4.2 - When initiating on someone you must verbally initiate, providing a demand and a consquence. The consequence must result in death or injury. The person initiating must have a visible weapon to initiate.
4.3 - You may only kill someone without prior initiation if one of the following is true
• You are within 3 blocks of your gang/faction members initiation. This means your gang must be whitelisted and you must be in the same uniform as the other gang member.
• The person has tackled you or a group member maliciously.
• The person initiated on is in your faction and they have definitive indicators that they're in your faction such as police writing on their clothing.
• They stole your vehicle and you were within sight of the vehicle
• It is martial law and a civilian has open carried class 2 (LEO Only)
• A civilian has an unholstered weapon on DOC grounds
4.4 - It is the initiators responsibility that their initiation is audible
4.5 - You must be initiated or being initiated on to be allowed to handcuff or tackle someone with malicious intent. You may only do this without prior initiation if one of the following are true.
• It is after a situation and police are arresting suspects that they or a medic have revived.
• Consent is given such as Law Enforcement asking someone to place their hands behind their back during a traffic stop and they comply.
4.6 - If police attempt to S1 your vehicle during a pursuit this is initiation for both parties as long as they're in a police vehicle with lights and sirens.
4.7 - You must be in an active pursuit of a vehicle to spike it. (Active pursuit is defined as chasing at an audible distance with lights and sirens for 15 seconds or more.)
4.8 - Initiations that are confusing (Such as say A B C backwards, speak or die, don't look etc.) are not permitted and will be classed as fail initiation.
4.9 - You must give the victim 8 seconds to comply with your demands, unless they have a clear change in behavior such as start running away or reach for their firearms.
4.10 - After 10 minutes of the final shot being fired the initiation is no longer valid and all parties must re-initiate to re-engage combat
4.11 - Smashing go-pros is the action of removing video evidence from being admissible in court or in character. To smash a go-pro, the individual has to be restrained. You do not have to stop recording but the footage is void. This does not apply to rulebreaks.
4.12 - Initiation must be made in person. Not over the phone or via text.
4.13 - If no consequences is given during an initiation and the party that was initiated on shoots the party initiating it is not classed as RDM as long as the initiating party had a visible weapon and intended to do harm with it.
Section 5 - Value of Life Rules
5.1 - You must always value your life as though it was real life. You must actively attempt to avoid death by either complying or avoiding situations. You will be considered in breach of VLR if you take actions which have no reasonable chances of survival (unless your actions are your only chance for survival).
5.2 - As a Law Enforcement Officer you must value the lives of all innocent civilians, even NPCs. If your actions will result in a civilian death you should take steps to avoid this. If police need to use lethal force to protect a civilian it will not be classed as RDM. This rule mainly focuses on protecting unarmed civilians.
5.3 - If there is a weapon pointed directly at you by someone and you do not have a weapon in your hand you must comply and you may not pull a firearm. (This applies to civilians and police. SOPs that state police may not shoot do not violate this rule, This only applies at a reasonable distance based on the weapon being used. Walls, vehicles, other cover and pointing a weapon away all mean this rule does not apply but 5.1 will still apply).
5.4 - It is FailRP to commence hostile roleplay where you have low chances of survival, unless it is your only way out of a bad situation.
5.5 - You may only kill someone complying with your demands if the roleplay story brings it there.
Section 6 - Law Enforcement Officer Rules
6.1 - Selling police equipment or weapons is not allowed if your RP is just to make some money, it's ok if you have a whole storyline and you have a blackmarket set up under a bridge and you're a corrupt cop.
6.2 - Police must call EMS to revive anyone they've shot and incapacitated unless EMS is not lone. Then they must transfer the suspect to the hospital themselves.
6.3 - Police may not disconnect after a major crime is started until 5 minutes after the major crime is over.
6.4 - Police must respond to situations with fair/proportionate numbers. If police arrive on scene and there is one person or a small group doing it they should tell others units not to respond.
6.5 - Cop and civ names must be unique from each other.
6.6 - Police may take the shot on civilians who have a hostage at a major crime, however this is restricted to internal police procedures.
6.7 - All hostages are to be treated as real
6.8 - Police officers can be taken hostage and robbed for extortion RP. Cops can also be taken hostage for bank robbers only to get more demands.
6.9 - If a cop is taken hostage for extortion and a cop kills the criminals with no RP or intention to save the Officer life this would be FailRP
6.10 - Cops can be corrupt but if your corrupt cop rp is just killing people and just taken PD stuff with no storyline that would be FailRP. You have to be creative being a corrupt Officer is Risky to do because if not done right it could be FailRP.
6.11 - Police officers can not send someone to jail for an infraction they would be held in normal jail cells for x amount of "days" AKA minutes.
Section 7 - EMS Rules
7.1 - EMS when they get calls must only use ambulance cars ONLY. EMS can not load someone up in the back of a random car as this would be FailRP.
7.2 - As an EMS when you arrive on scene you must secure the location only if the player is on their back. Once you secure the location you must call the Police so they can investigate the crime scene. You have to wait 5 minutes for police to come if they don't you must take the body and treat them. (This rule is so we can have more investigation RP by the police and the EMS)
7.3 - EMS when treating a player, if the wounds seem like they were involved with suspicious activities you can call the police and put the patient on lock down so they can be investigated. This means means if they fall back in EMS care the person would not have to forget anything and it would be like their hooked up on an IV, but if a cop doesn't come to investigate them for 5 minutes they can be healed and let go. (This rule is only used for RP if you fail to do this nothing would happen.)
7.4 - If EMS is in the city but is just sitting at Pillbox and or just disregarding 911 calls you will be fired and blacklisted from the EMS job for every character you make. If you have a whitelist job you must RP correctly.
7.5 - EMS must take their time and RP treating people. You can't just revive people with no rp and or understanding of what your trying to heal. You must take your time and go slow with the process. Your job is not just to get people on their feet and get them out the door. If someone's wounds look like 4 bullet holes you can take your time on reviving them, put them in a private room and put them on bed arrest.
7.6 - EMS cannot have someone on bed arrest longer then 10-20 minutes.
Section 8 - Medical/New Life Rules
8.1 - When you are revived you are in medical custody, you must comply with the EMT's and pretend to be hurt. You must act as such and not run away. This includes not talking/arguing with the cop/persons who killed you.
8.2 - If you are incapacitated then you won't remember key details about anyone that was involved in your incapacitation in the situations directly prior. There is no time requirement, including up to the point you were lured, captured, or brought to the point of your incapacitation. You may remember small details such as make/model/color of the vehicle that drove you, and what someone was wearing, their build and gender, if applicable, and the why and how as well as what the reason was where it was done but not who did it.
8.3 - You may not return to collect your items/vehicle if you were downed and bled out. You may return if you died due to natural causes.
8.4 - If you are revived you may not return to/become involved in the same combat situation you were involved in. (You may return to the RP situation once combat is over) unless the police arrest you or attempt to arrest you, or somebody tries to rob you after reviving you. Being shot at because you have returned to the area does not allow you to become involved again.
8.5 - Medics must be neutral at all times, they can not favor any side in situations.
8.6 - You cannot revive someone just to rob them.
8.7 - You may not revive someone during a combat situation. You must wait at least 3 minutes after the last shot or must wait for the winning party to declare Code 4
Section 9 - Gunplay Rules
9.1 - When you're roleplaying and you're a civ, criminal or even a gang you must remember to not use your gun unless you need to or your person feels like their life is in danger.
9.2 - Shooting someone because their on your block and they won't leave is FailRP, That would would just not be realistic as you have hands and or melee's, use them. Using a gun in this form of RP would be FailRP.
9.3 - Shooting someone when you're in a goot chase and they seem like their getting away shooting them would be FailRP. You can only shoot them if you told them to put their hands up and you had your gun out and then they started running, but just telling someone to put their hands up just so you can make sure if they run that you can shoot them is also FailRP. You have to have a reason to tell someone to put their hands up life if your robbing them.
9.4 - Having your gun drawn for no reason at all is FailRP. If this is because you only have your gun out if someone is coming to rob you, you can shoot back fast then that's FailRP and that's a loophole.
Section 10 - Other Rules
10.1 - You cannot use the OOC chat while in game.
10.2 - Vehicle deathmatch also known as VDM is the act of using a vehicle to kill/attempt to kill with intent or roleplay and is not permitted.
10.3 - You cannot roleplay as non-human characters such as dogs, cats, wilves, etc.
10.4 - Do not police the police. If you feel you have been mistreated in a police situation, use the proper channels. Fight abuse of power in character only! Do not contact staff unless the officer is clearly breaking a server rule.
10.5 - You must have at least 5 members of a gang to tax a location.
10.6 - GGang members must be identifiable with their clothing and cars.
10.7 - Before ensuing a Gang War there must be 4+ minutes of RP between the members and you are allowed to call for backup.
10.8 - Just because the server is restarting does not mean that you can go insane and go on a rampage.
10.9 - Just because you are friends with a person, does not permit you to kill them for no reason.
10.10 - Decisions made by staff are final and you can receive more warning points for arguing with a staff member.
10.11 - You may not commit chain robberies. This is defined as going from store to store robbing them.
Section 11 - Gang Rules
11.1 - As a gang, it is important to follow the gun play over roleplay rule to avoid the possibility of being shut down. Repeatedly breaking this rule more than three times can result in your gang being removed from the server. This includes losing access to gang clubhouses, gang cars, and even members who have broken the rule. It is crucual to prioritize responsible gameplay and adhere to the rules to maintain a safe and fair environment for all players.
11.2 - Gangs must act as a gang. If you don't live, own properties, do events on your turf, your gang can be removed for gang neglect. Make sure to keep you're gang and turf active. (This doesn't mean you can't leave your turf to spend time with others or live somewhere else but you must take care of your gang/turf)